Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Shes Going Somewhere

                                                         (Video from YouTube)

I got on my tumblr during my break and I had a message, someone had submitted the above video to me, so I gave it a listen and oh my goodness! This girl has one of those soothing voices that you could just listen to forever. Her name is Megan Collins, and she covers songs on YouTube, and you guys should seriously check out her stuff. Her voice is just so...ahhh. You know what I mean? I will leave a link to her YouTube channel so you guys can check her out and give the rest of her covers a listen. Trust me, it is worth the time. 

Megan Collins YouTube

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Trendy Tuesday: Overalls

I don't know if its just me, but I am love love loving the fact that more and more stores are putting out overalls with their summer collections. I think overalls are great! I am really enjoying the variety I have seen this season as well, with the skirts, capris, pants and of course shorts. They just give in effortless, yet put together vibe and, I think, they are great for the summer and could easily be transitioned in to other seasons.

(images from Google, overalls from ASOS)

They are just so fab! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

New Fave Album

I was driving around the country side (literally) the other day and flipping through the radio when I heard a magic beat and a beautiful voice. I quickly 'shazamed' the song to find out who it was, as well as what the song was called, thanks to the handy dandy Shazam app I quickly learned that the singer was Lorde and the song was called Royals. Ever since that day I have become obsessed with her voice and lyrics. I downloaded her e.p. from iTunes, and it has been on repeat ever since. If you have not heard her, I urge you  to look her up and legally (new artist  need support) download her e.p. for it is AMAZING and she is rather gorgeous too, if that sways you. I will link Royals below so you can have a quick listen to it while you down load the rest of her music. ;) 

                                                                       (Image from Google)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Short Hair Vs. Long Hair

Almost a year ago I posted the above picture on my instagram with the caption 'One day.' early in the week. I got an over whelming response from friends and family telling me not to do because my hair is so pretty and long, and not to cut my curls off. I mean my hair was pretty long and beautiful. I have naturally wavey/curly hair and it use to be down to my waist, but after experiments with bleach and color (later post) it suffered from a lot of damage and was a little below my shoulders and fried and just all around unhealthy, at this point. So after staring at the picture all week, I asked one of my teachers if she would so kindly cut all my hair off. This may seem a little weird but at the time I was going to cosmetology school, so my teacher knew what she was doing. 

With a herd of people (literally) standing around watching, I got 7 inches of my hair cut off. In the collage below you can see the before (top right) the amount of hair cut off (bottom right) and the end result (left).

As someone who has always had long hair her whole life, let me just tell you, it was the most liberating thing I have ever done. I felt free. Now I understand why Anne Hathaway and Emma Watson said that if it wasn't for movie rolls they would always keep their hair short. It gives you an automatic confidence boost. I had random women coming up and telling me they love my hair and they wish they could do it. Its a great feeling. But, for me, after a while the feeling of being free wore off, and I started to miss being able to bun my hair and curl it and braid it and do all sorts of fun things with it, that I use to be able to do all the time. At the same time however, I adore how hassle free and easy my hair is. 
I have been growing my hair out since December and I almost have a 'Bob', and I am debating cutting it short again, or letting it grow out to where it was. It is a daily debate in my head, going back and forth. I really do miss the long.....These are the thoughts that keep me up at exciting! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Saving Grace

Since I go to a cosmetology school I wash my hands a lot, so they get really dry really fast. It also doesn't help that the weather has changed and gotten colder so my skin is drying out because of that too. 

But I was in Ulta the other day and I came across this Nivea Creme. It comes in a little blue round tin and it was $0.99 so I thought I would try it out and OH MY GAWD! It is the best thing ever. It keeps my hands all nice and smooth and is just the best thing I have bought so far this Autumn/ Winter season. I love the little travel 1.5 oz ones because I can throw them in my bag and take them every where. They are just heaven for my hands. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I want these shoes so so so bad! I am trying to justify buying them...but I never know when I would wear them.  I go to school six days a week and I am always on my feet, but I heard they are really comfortable! AH! I want them so bad. Maybe I will just buy them...
I mean just look at this outfit. So cute! I'm buying them...yeah I am buying them.
Then again I don't know...I'll just lust after them for a little longer and if I still want them in a couple months I think I will then buy them. But I want them now!! Tough decisions!

au revoir belle  xx